Logo with cross and hands praying with text.In nomine Patris, et Filii,
et Spiritus Sancti.


    The three prayers story. 


Three Churches - Three Prayers – One Intent.



This is the story of my visits to a number of churches in the county Dublin region.

I usually visited three churches on any given journey. After a number of such

journeys I decided to say a prayer in each for people I knew, it soon formed

into three churches, three prayers with one intent or as it is also known a petition.

The journeys would usually have a specific start point with a chosen church which

I would arrive at around twelve noon. Where I would normally say an Our Father and

probably have a few quiet moments. I would then move on to my second church

arriving usually in and around one thirty in the afternoon. In this second church

I would usually say the Hail Mary and again have a few quiet moments. I would

always aim to arrive at the third church in and around two thirty and here I would

say my third and final prayer for this journey a Glory be.

   I have on occasions varied this sequence by taking in morning mass in any

given church and then continuing on to my second church, and on occasions

of bad or threatening weather I have simply visited my local church and said all

three prayers in one place.

  On occasions I have come across rosary groups and funerals on these

occasions, especially, funeral masses I deferred my visit or I have started

 my journey in reverse, (so to speak) starting after a trip to the church

which I usually ended at.

I have completed a route usually in an afternoon

when the churches were in fairly close proximity to each other.

When, on some few occasions, I have had a week off,

I have planned to visit churches which were a bit more distanced from each other.

I would plan to visit the first church on Monday or Tuesday, the second church on

Wednesday or Thursday and the third church on Friday. This would give me some

more travel to accomplish but would also give me a bit more time in each

individual church for prayer and contemplation.

  On all occasions of visits I naturally treated the church buildings and traditions

with the respect afforded to all religious buildings and it goes without saying showed

the same respect to all and any church staff whom I met.

The sequence of prayers together at once Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be is and

has been known as a prayer for the Pope. I have on some occasions used them as such.





Animated gif of three random churches

Three randomly chosen churches.







Dun Laoghaire, St Michael’s church image with text.













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